Mrs. Terlaje’s Blog

Just another weblog

Science Camp Video May 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — garichard @ 3:53 am

Here’s the link for the science camp video.  Enjoy!!!!


Science Camp update May 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — garichard @ 6:43 pm

The weather here is magnificent and all the students are having a great time.  Yesterday they went on two hikes.  Either geology, wildlife biology or ecology.  Thursday, they will finish out their third hike of the trio.  Last night was night hiking and astronomy.  This morning, they played a game called winter scramble where they were an animal and had to find all the things they needed for the winter.  They could earn money and go to our “store” to buy what they needed.  The adults job was to try to sell them things they didn’t need.  It was good fun.  Everyone is getting ready now to go on the picnic hike which will be about 3 hours this afternoon.  Lunches are packed and they are getting their gear ready.  These pictures are from the entrance to the camp.

The view outside the dining hall.

The entrance to camp.

Entrance to camp with view of some cabins.


May 4, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — garichard @ 12:08 am

Arrived safely at science camp.  The weather is beautiful.  We are getting ready for dinner at 5:30 and then an

astronomy hike tonight.