Mrs. Terlaje’s Blog

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Body Systems March 8, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — garichard @ 4:32 pm

Check out “The Yuckiest Website”.  Fill out your tree

map by choosing 6 body systems.  Write a paragraph

about one system and post it in the comment section.


24 Responses to “Body Systems”

  1. hannah Says:

    I looked up six body systems. One of them is the Nervous system. I found it quite interesting. I lerned that you couldn’t really stay alive with out it . It lets you breath smell and lots of other things. It is your control center for your entire body. Just think of not being able to do anything thats how it would be without your Nervous system. Personaly I donty think it would be very fun but thats just my opinion.

  2. Destiny J Gooden Says:

    I learned about Muscular System and its is very important.With it you can walk,shake hands,talk,and move.It’s very important once againso you can do every thing.Without it you couldn’t do any of that.Hope you learn about that!!!

  3. Uriel A. Quevedo Says:

    I found out that the human body’s largest muscle is the glatues muscle located in the buttocks.I also found that a human body has 230 joint .Intenstines are 25 feet to 89 feet.Americans eat 2 billion pounds of chocolate each year.Also americans eats 700 million pounds of peanut butter.

  4. Nathaniel Bataller Says:

    After reasearching about the brain, I found out that the brain had over 10 billion nerve cells!It also weighs less than 3 pounds.Another body system that I found was that we have over 630 muscles that we use to move with,we also need our muscles to move the inside of our body and the outside.

  5. Nathaniel Bataller Says:

    I’ve learned many things about the body system, one of them is that the brain is made of over 10 billion nerve cells! It also weighs less than 3 pounds. I also learned that we have over 630 muscles that we use to move and without it we can’t move on our own in the inside and in the outside.

  6. lesley Says:



  7. Kayla Gomez Says:

    I learned about many body systems, but the one I found most fascinating is the Digestive System. I learned that the ENTIRE process starts in the mouth. You chew the food and saliva comes out which mixes with the starch in the food. It goes down the Esophagus and lands in the stomach. There, the food getsmixed and churned, while acids and juices are getting poured all over it until it turns into liquid. It goes out the stomach and through the small intestine and the large intestine. When the process is over, it goes out the end of the large intestine and out an opening in the body.

  8. emmanuel valenzuela Says:

    Today I learned about many systems,but I am going to talk about the Muscular System.I learned that over 30 muscles form face expressions!Another thing is that the eyes are the buisiest muscles of all your body.The biggest muscle is the gluteus located on your buttocks.Those are facts of the Muscular System!

  9. Daniella Says:

    I learned so many things in science. Like that your blood travles through a rubbery pipeline. Also that the heart pumps blood through it’s chambers. Also when you inhale your breathe air and send it down to your lungs.Well that is all Iearned, Have a Nice Day!

  10. anthony wisdom Says:

    I saw the Endocrine system and thought it was alien.It was about hormones being put in the blood stream.And pubertic hormones and how they changed you.I thought hormones were only happy and sad not growth and hair.

  11. Merry Johnston Says:

    I learned a lot about the Endrocrine System.The whole thing is made out of glands.It controlles the number of functions in your body.It also involves puberty between boys and girls.Puberty means when you feel different in some sort of way.It is kinda disgusting and cool at the same time becuase you know that you are a girl and a boy but you do not want people knowing what is inside of you and who you are.But it is kinda cool because you can know what you feel and think and learn.Check it out!!!!!

  12. ruby Says:

    I looked up alot but I thought that the SKELETAL SYSTEM was cool.Did you know that with out bones we would be floppy?I also learned that when you were born you had 300 bones.Also some bones are really helpful like our ribbs that protect our heart.It was so aswome reading about bones really help.

  13. Alina Molina Says:

    Today I learned about the skeletal system.I thought it was interesting because if you didn’t have bones you would flop like a beanbag.You wouldn’t be able to stand up and you would look like a puddle on the ground.Your bones are used for to purposes.One is used as a backbone that provides structure to make you stand and the other protects the soft and delicaye things inside your body.So I think the skeletal is very cool and helpful inside your body.

  14. omar almazan Says:

    I learn that skin is a miracle garment in your body. The skin is soft , pliable, strong, waterproof, and self repairing. Skin is like a very large container. As an adult, you may have more than 20 square feet of skin — about the size of a blanket.
    You are likely to shed some 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime.
    It’s the largest organ of your body, and without it, all your delicate insides would spill right out.

  15. janelle Says:

    Today I learnerd about brain,skin,skeletal system
    Okay, so your brain is wrinkled, soft and a little wet. It doesn’t look like much. But it’s made of more than 10 billion nerve cells and over 50 billion other cells and weighs less than 3 pounds!

  16. william sanchez Says:

    I fund out that the food you swallow.Turns to surger by suliva.Then down the esquagus with mussles pushing down.Then in thefood turns to luicid by asid.Then to the small entesten then large.Then to flush it.

  17. Sienna Sellers Says:

    I learned about the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Did you know that you digest food every day?
    Digestion means: Breaking the food into small parts so it can be used by the body. Your stomach churns and squeezes the food to break it down. If you throw up, that means that your body is getting rid of something that your body doesnt like. Here is a song that will help you remember what order the food goes down (you can make your own tune); MOUTH, ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, SMALL INTESTINE, and dont forget the LARGE INTESTINE!!

  18. miguel roman Says:

    Today I learned about body systems but I thoght the Endocrine was the most interesting. I learned many interesting facts such as hormones being put in the blood stream.And that pubertic horomones have a very big impact on everybodys life. I thought that hormones only affected emotions but they affect hair,growth,and the way you feel about things.

  19. Enrique A Gastelum Says:

    The cardiovascular systemhas three parts.The three parts of the cardiovascular system’s three parts are the heart,blood,and the blood vessels.The blood picks up waste products so thyat your body can use them.your digestive system slushes back and forth.When your stomach slushes back and forh it gets mixesd with chemicals.

  20. aaron.slama Says:

    I have learned many things about the systems in your body. Like the Urinary system the urinary system has many cool facts like 440 gallons of blood flow though your body a day. It has a milloin structures that filter through the body

  21. kenny Says:

    I learned that the muscular system has over 630 muscles.Also without muscles you can’t open your mouth, speak, shake hands,walk,or move your food through your digestive system.Also in the Respiratory system your lungs contain almost 1500 miles of airway and every minute you breathe in 13 pints of air!

  22. Amber Daigle Says:

    I learned about 6 body systems but I thought the most interesting one was the Endocrine System.
    What is the Endocrine System?
    The Endocrine system is made up of Glands and does very big things. It controls a tremendous number of your bodies functions Your Endocrine dells with chemicals. They come from glands and a few organs (like your stomach, pancreas, and the kidneys) that produce them and ooze them. Imagine your body without glands. You’d be without all the ooze, sweat, mucus, chemical, and juices in your body, which make your body’s home. Endocrine glands throughout your body, make chemicals called Hormones. The endocrine glands spew their hormones directly into your bloodstream. You may not know that you have chemicals travling on the inside of you but you do. They act like Chemical Messangers.
    Imagine your body without glands. You’d be without all the ooze, sweat, mucus, chemical, and juices in your body, which make your body’s home.

  23. robert Says:

    I learned that the endocrine controls weather you are hungry or not.Also that without my nervous system I wouldn’t exist.I learned that the ords i smell are from poop,flowers,or food.Also that the 40% of your body weight is muscle.I leared that the brain has over 15 billion cells now that is alot.Now i know that the villi in your stomach absorbs all the nutrients in the food you eat.

  24. cameron lee Says:

    today i learend about six body systems three of them are the circulatory system,digestive system ,and muscular system.Each system is very interesting and helps your body out in alot of ways the circulatory system helps your heart and tells how it works .The digestive helps your body by getting rid of the bad stuff in your body and puting new stuff into it.Muscular system helps your strength and also helps the way you move,walk,talk ,and run.Without these systems you would not be alive running breathing talking our even eating.

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