Mrs. Terlaje’s Blog

Just another weblog

Welcome back to school August 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — garichard @ 2:39 am

Welcome new 5th graders.  I am so excited to have you in my class and know we will have a great year!  I hope you will keep checking this blog to explore the links or write comments.  I may add assignments or questions for you to answer.

Since it is the beginning of the year and we don’t know each other, please write a few sentences about your self.  Here are a few sentences about me.

I have taught for 21 years at Della S. Lindley in 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade.  I am married and have 6 dogs; 3 pugs, 2 pomeranians and a pugeranian.  I am also a musician and like to play in my free time.