Mrs. Terlaje’s Blog

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The Magnificent Maya November 14, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — garichard @ 5:08 am

godwhich3_smallmayas04sWhat have you learned about the Maya that you find interesting?  You need to write at least 3 sentences.


29 Responses to “The Magnificent Maya”

  1. madison c. Says:

    I learned that the Maya actually had chocolate back then! They would also add chili pepper? Gross! Another thing I learned was that they were very creative. They even made statues about the sports they played. One more thing I learned was that they crafted the tombs instead of just taking some wood. They added some type of messages or drawings on the top of the tombs.

  2. Jared Davis Says:

    It was interesting that they made choclate back then.That the jaguar gaurded the temples.They put dead jauguars in coffins.

  3. jessica Says:

    I liked learning about what they put in their chocolate. It was really fascinating about what the mayas did in the history. I liked when we’d go to each level and find different mysteries.

  4. madison c. Says:

    I learned that the maya actually had chocolate back then! They would also add chili pepper? Gross! Another thing I learned was that they were very creative. They even made statues about th sports they played. One more thing I learned was that they crafted the tombs instead of just taking some wood. They added some type of messages or drawings on the top of the tombs.

  5. anthony Says:

    I liked that the mayas had their own game of a mixture of soccer and basketball. I liked that they had chocolate way back then to. I last but not least like that they had cool stone blades back then to.

  6. daisy daiz Says:

    the most intresting thing i learned is that the mayans used protective patting on statues.another intresting thing i learned is that the mayan king was ina stone coffin.also i cant imagine how the mayans put chili peppers in the spotted cup.

  7. zach Says:

    I’ve learned that Mayan rulers put chilie peppers in their cocoa.The mayans also considered the jaguar a sacred animal.They also sacraficed humans.

  8. Laurangel Says:

    The some interesting thing I found out was that they had lots of glyphs all over thier temple. I mean I get like I get like 2 or 3 but they had ike a hundred. That is so cool. I also found it interesting that the kids could tell how the portraits their looked like lots of people thier. But only the king wore all the heavy armor so you could tell that they were kings..COOL!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  9. luis valenzuela Says:

    I learned that the cup was for drinking chocolate .That the metate was made to crush corn.And i also learned how the maya used symbols.

  10. vahida Says:

    It was well to me interesting they made chocolate back then. It was also interesting to see the carvings they did. oH and i learned that the mayas but chili peppers in their hot chocolate. The mayas are very interesting people!

  11. Rachel Says:

    The mayans are like us because my mom uses the same thing to make tortillas. The mayans kn ow how to survive war, battles, and food. It is weird how they just diappeared and left thier tribe.

  12. juan.aguayo Says:

    my favorite thing was the adventure.Next was that they put chili pepper in chocolate.Last the Mayaswere very weird to me

  13. manuel Says:

    The favorite thing I like is that they put chilly pepper on their chocolate.Next, the Mayas use glyphs to say words and symbols too.The wierdest part is they named afather Blue Jaguar and the son Smoking Sheild.

  14. Rue Says:

    The hunt was the coolest thing.The body is sort of creepy and the was hard.The temple is so high and the jagur was talking cool.

  15. vanity Says:

    I liked the old fashion basket ball.Execpt for the dying part.I liked it beacause i like sport’s .I am very lucky they play basket ball for fun the loser’s don’t die and the winner’s and loser’s had fun.

  16. Jerred Says:

    I realy like the temple, it is so high.I kind of like the ball game, i don’t like it because it is hard and the punish is crul.I like the stone blade, but i don’t like it because of the sackrufise.

  17. Stacy Says:

    This was the funest game ever .I had lots of fun and i found all of the glyphs.It took me a long time to do my questions but now I know more about the Maya.In social studies I will Know even more than before.The Maya were really cool back then.i wish they still lived right now.

  18. luis Rodriguez Says:

    The awsome things about Mayas were that they had chocolate back then. An other thing is that they would sacrifice people so the god woul drink there blood. That they buried jaguars and their temples were guarded by jaguars. I would like to learn more things about mayas cause it is awsome.

  19. ismael Says:

    What I lean today was the Maya king had weird names like blue jagur.The most intresting part was the jagur.It was scary the dog was scard you could ask him.

  20. abel Says:

    I like that the Mayas made chocolate. That they made knifes. they also had that game

  21. alan Says:

    I learned about the mayas that they put chilly pepper .Also that they placed a jaguar. Than that they buried a guy called blue jaguar .That is what I learned.

  22. isaac Says:

    It was cool how creative they were they made sports . I Liked how they adapted so good.It makes me want to learn more about what happend to thre culture.

  23. marisol Says:

    Looking for ancient Mayan things was an adventure for me.But some of the items got a little tricky to find out.All of the rest was a fun adventure.

  24. alejandra Says:

    What I found interesting is that the Maya came up with the # 0 and nerver came up with a wheel to cary things on.The way they anord their gods is pretty cool. and the way the do their ceremonies at the top of the tempel.

  25. dorian Says:

    I liked this adventure its cool.I like the mayas except the killing.It is like Indiana Jones

  26. aleeah Says:

    The three thing i learned and thought it was amazing was for one Mayan craftmen made face maskes by gathering pieces of small shapes of turquoise and jade. Second, Shell, obsidian and onyx were often added for eyes lips or teeth. Third, the living image of the king had to wear a mask that covered their faces and wear it forever.

  27. Amayrani Says:

    My favorite part was that they had jaguars to guard the temple or pyramid that were made out of stone.They also they made homemade tortillas and my family also makes homemade tortillas.There was alot more reasond that I like this adventure that I had.BYE

  28. christopher Says:

    Iearnd that they use glyphs or symbols.I learnd that they use stone knives.some things where kind of tricky.

  29. robert Says:

    That was one of the funnest games I have ever played.They must have been really cold to eat chili peppers with chocolate .The mummy looked liked it was almost alive.That was a fun adventure.

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